
Two LUSH talks
We are happy to announce that UiL-OTS will host two LUSH talks: On Wednesday, November 21, Miguel Santin (University of Groningen) will give a LUSH talk in Utrecht. Date: Wednesday, November 21, 11:00 – 12:30 Location: Utrecht, Trans 10, room 0.19 (A.W. de Grootkamer) Speaker: Miguel Santin (University of Groningen, Title: Means and results:…
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LUSH talk “The prosody of additives and the plurality of causation”
We are happy to announce that on Monday, October 22, Jos Tellings (UiL OTS, Utrecht University) will give a LUSH talk in Utrecht. LUSH is short for Leiden-Utrecht Semantic Happenings, and these talks are aimed at everyone (so including RMA students) with a keen interest in semantics. We hope for a full house! Date: Monday,…
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ROCKY mini-workshop: reciprocal predicates in Italian, Dutch and Hebrew
Reciprocal predicates in Italian, Dutch and Hebrew This mini-workshop will report recent findings of the ROCKY team ( on reciprocal predicates in three typologically different languages: Italian, Dutch and Hebrew. The two talks will discuss the semantics of reciprocal predicates and the SI construction in Italian, the reciprocal middle template in Hebrew, and the interpretation…
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GREAT 2018: Going Romance (Re-)Explores Aspect and Tense
On December 14, the Time in Translation project will host the workshop GREAT 2018: Going Romance (Re-)Explores Aspect and Tense. The program will be announced soon. More information can be found on the TiT website.
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Talk by Alon Fishman: Sentence-internal “different” as a lexical reciprocal
On 25 May, Alon Fishman from Tel Aviv University will give a talk on Sentence-internal “different” as a lexical reciprocal This talk is concerned with a particular sentence-internal reading of predicates like “different”, here called the *plural-dependent* reading. I argue for an analysis of this reading in terms of lexical reciprocity (Siloni 2012, Winter 2018). The plural-dependent reading…
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